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    19250 Hesperian Blvd.
    Hayward, CA, 94541
  • CALL US (510) 278-1919
Magical Moonlight™ Bouquet

Magical Moonlight™ Bouquet


They’ll be over the moon excited by our eye-catching new bouquet. A rich, bold mix of lavender, burgundy and purple blooms are loosely gathered for a flowy, fresh-from-the-garden style. It’s the kind of gift you send when you want to capture the magic of the moment forever.
All-around arrangement with lavender roses and stock; burgundy carnations; purple kale and waxflower; blue thistle; accented with assorted greenery\
Artistically designed a clear glass vase; measures 8"H
Large arrangement measures overall approximately 20"H x 15"W
Medium arrangement measures overall approximately 18"H x 14"W
Small arrangement measures overall approximately 16"H x 12"W
Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability

Recommended Final Touches

  • Heart Box of Chocolate Addon
    Heart Box of Chocolate
    No Thanks
    As Shown $11.50
  • Honey Bear Addon
    Honey Bear
    No Thanks
    As Shown $11.00

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