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  • ADDRESS Fred's Flowers & Gifts
    19250 Hesperian Blvd.
    Hayward, CA, 94541
  • CALL US (510) 278-1919
Hooray! It's Your Day!™ Bouquet

Hooray! It's Your Day!™ Bouquet


Celebrate the special moments, both big and small, with our exclusive "Hooray! It's Your Day!" Bouquet. This cheerful arrangement is a medley of bright blooms, featuring bi-color yellow roses, purple Matsumoto asters, Monte casino, yellow button poms, lavender carnations, and orange mini carnations, artfully arranged to create a vibrant and festive display. Presented in our keepsake "Hooray! It's Your Day!" container adorned with colorful sparklers and topped with metallic bursts of light, this joyful surprise is destined to create lasting memories. Choose our same-day flower delivery service to ensure that this exuberant bouquet arrives promptly, adding an extra touch of joy to their special day.

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